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There are three types of breathing:


WELFARE  respiration, an essential means to relax

To live, man absorbs every day a pound of solid food, 2 kilos of liquid foods and 8 pounds of air. Oxygen is essential to life, and if you breathe wrong, it's all our biological machine that begins to slow down and get dirty. Breathing is the only one of our functions is both conscious and unconscious, and this feature gives it an additional function: it allows us to act by controlling our breath of all life functions as unconscious emotions and therefore management Stress.

Clavicular breathing, by the throat and neck, fills only 15% of the lungs and irrigates especially the head, the costal breathing, the rib cage, which fills 30% of the lungs and is most often used and abdominal breathing, by the diaphragm, which fills 50% of the lungs and can relieve stress

The diaphragm is a muscle whose training is essential to relieve stress. To be well oxygenated, it is also essential to live in an airy atmosphere, in contact with the countryside or the sea to replenish negative ions. In a polluted area, downtown, green plants or ionizer can absorb harmful substances. It is also possible to improve your breathing to practice relaxation therapy, yoga or NLP and you see why breathing is the foundation of all relaxation techniques. Slowing the breath helps relax muscles, ease away the tensions and thoughts slow down. We always seek to find a steady pace and comprehensively as possible by requesting the diaphragm for deep relaxation and enter a little further into his inner world:

Lie down comfortably in a quiet place and close your eyes. Breathe calmly and deeply and set you on the sensations that occur: a lump in the throat, chest discomfort, a pain in your side... They are indicative of emotional blocks. Concentrate successively on each of these blocks and try to dissolve them with your breath as you ôteriez a task with a sponge.
Finally, a recommended exercise to increase your awareness of breath. Put yourself standing with your back straight, and breathe by raising your right arm above your head. Lock your breath 5 seconds, then exhale while your arms back down to the rhythm of your breath. The key is to properly synchronize the movement and breathing in a fluid and natural gestures. Do this exercise 5 times with his right arm, then 5 times with the left arm.

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