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SILHOUETTE  Some critics of traditional diets

Nine out of ten, a person who is dieting regains all the weight they lost within three years. In terms of diet, we now find everything and anything. R establish certain truths proven by modern science.

The low-calorie diets are the most dangerous to health. Quickly drop the weight because the body draws on its reserves and then, because it stabilizes the body adjusts by reducing its energy costs. But to meet its fixed expenses, it destroys its own muscle protein and bone. Result: you lose a little fat and lots of muscle and bone tissue. At the resumption of a normal diet, the body's reserves econstitue: weight gain is inevitable.

We do not gets thinner by removing fat from your diet. This deprivation creates a nutrient deficiency, which are essential to health such as zinc, vitamin E and especially essential fatty acids for the respiratory, cardiovascular, immune and emotional.
0% schemes are based on a commercial scam. He bet everything on low fat foods but rich in sugars: the labels should be monitored to get an idea. Indeed, this manipulation increases the glycemic index of food causing massive storage of these sugars which will release too quickly in your body .. Even worse, the rapid absorption of glucose causes a rise of norepinephrine which incites to re supply: we speak of "reactive hypoglycemia.
Older you get, the harder it is to lose weight because the hormones that promote energy expenditure decrease with age. Therefore, do not expect too much before you regain control over a sustainably balanced diet: the longer you wait, the more it will be difficult to find an ideal weight.
Weight gain is often caused by your genetic makeup (only 10-15% of cases). These are practices that have changed the time you spend watching TV, at your computer, lameilleure building insulation, physical inactivity at work are all factors that lower your daily energy expenditure.
The miraculous medicine of fat eaters are dangerous to health. Real appetite suppressants are more like artificial drug that cures. Indeed, we forget to tell you they cause cardiovascular effects (palpitations, hypertension) and neurological (headache, seizures).

Thus, it is best to lose weight to increase your daily energy expenditure by practicing adequate physical activity but also by reviewing your habits. Your ability to naturally increase the effort, representing a significant advantage for your long term health.

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