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Recovery: a perfect alchemy ...

It will not teach you anything by saying that sport is tiring, like any physical or mental effort. But how does the body deal with the fatigue? What are the mechanisms of recovery?

Firstly, one must differentiate a local fatigue of central fatigue. Local fatigue, surface, resulting in aches, cramps, heavy legs during exercise very intense and disappear within hours or days.
Central fatigue occurs, she, as a result of excessive repetition competitions or overworked nerves and causes fatigue, lack of motivation and is accompanied by stress.
A perfect balance of training can prevent this dangerous excess. Indeed, this alternation ideal work / recovery optimizes the biological phenomenon of stairs called overcompensation, and that increases the initial volume of energy reserves.
The secret is to actually change and articulate various recovery means, an alchemy that familiar with the best coaches.
During the workout, and we will ensure the quality of the warm, soft and special way to change the exercises and intensity of work or adaptation efforts in the paced sport. Can also be used at times of food skills or muscle and joint manipulation if the needs are felt. Recovery also involves the mind: confidence, calm and energy are the keys to the psychological balance. Finally, a healthy lifestyle can promote or limit recovery: the sleep quantity is cyclical, food that should ideally adjust the quantity and quality to your personal needs, and finally, the social and emotional balance enhances self-confidence.

Your coach will guide you through the best of these different mechanisms of recovery ...

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