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SILHOUETTE  Taste: above all habits ...

Not everyone reacts the same way the flavors, incorporated during childhood in an unconscious way and connected to positive or negative emotions. Registered as a food labeled "bad" just looking at triggers an immune reaction. Sometimes you have to force a little, try to put beside this a priori to taste again.

So we can retrain our taste, review our eating habits, discover new flavors, learn to eat healthier food for health reasons but also for pleasure. This is the true path of wellness, for indeed there is not a balanced diet without pleasure. Pleasure even physiological function ...
An example: sugar. When our bodies are missing, we are fatigués.Lorsque we see a sweet food, we want immediately and before the sugar is assimilated, we feel a "wellness". This is not an illusion! The organization has drawn on its reserves of sugar, knowing that we would provide him again. This is what is called "reflex oroglycénique". But if you have an aversion to sugar, the message of the brain remain a dead letter.

We must learn to enjoy foods that are good for us, and meal preparation is an important phase of this rehabilitation because the simple act of cooking involves all the senses, then: dare to invent, and order listen to your body, give yourself time ...

If you skip meals, if you eat with a slingshot in swallowing food at full speed, you finish your meal before you even know that in fact you no longer hungry. A meal must be savored. Take time to smell the food, enjoy every bite, chew well. Consider asking your fork occasionally. Take the opportunity to make meals a special time of conviviality. Take time to talk about and share with the people around you. By eating more slowly and calmly, you will leave your body time to analyze the meal. He can send messages of hunger or satiety.

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